
Leadership team introduction

We believe in people to people, supported by an organization. TechVoices is on a mission to bring out new voices, supported by great people volunteering as mentors, conference organizers seeking new voices and speakers bringing their voices for others to learn from. We have a leadership team of four people, facilitating these connections and creating structures for our future success.

You can get in touch with any of the people in the leadership team personally. Each of us individually will bring things for consideration, and make the magic happen together with you.

Maaret Pyhäjärvi (Finland) #

Maaret deals with financial structures, conference communication, Twitter communication and random web stuff. She's a serial mentor with TechVoices, who has been both actively paired through TechVoices enrollment channels and been found online by aspiring speakers, registering their mentorship with TechVoices later.

Maaret is also speaking a lot in conferences, meetups and webinars, doing about 30 sessions a year and totaling close to 400 sessions by now. She also organizes her own conference, European Testing Conference, that travels to different European locations every year.

Her day job is working as Senior Manager leading a team of 11 developers at F-Secure. She identifies still as tester, and is also liking the moniker polyglot programmer as something that describes her.

Maaret Pyhäjärvi

Abby Bangser (UK) #

Abby is the glue that brings us all together, and has been defining a lot of the ways of working for Speak Easy. She is also the automation guru, and volunteer of all things technical. She's started off as an aspiring speaker, graduating from first talks to regular talks delivering great contents consistently. And now she is helping new speakers like herself get started through TechVoices.

Abby Bangser

Ash Coleman (US) #

Ash is the fresh voice of future in the new leadership team. She's a connection point to many conferences we work with, and takes up initiatives to improve TechVoices ways of working.

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